
Beneficiary's name: AIVAREX Kft.
Technology development at Aivarex Kft. 2021
The purpose of the project: In order to increase competitiveness, equipment is purchased and information technology is developed.
The amount of the contracted support: 22 765 431Ft
Amount of support: 70%

Detailed description of the project:
The aim of the project is to mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus and to keep the number of employees as high as possible through the developments realized through the support. The target area of the project is, on the one hand, the acquisition of a new device resulting in technological modernization (CNC 38 BR3 CNC PIPE BENDING MACHINE), and a laptop will be purchased within the framework of information technology development.
Actual completion date of the project: 20.10.2022.
Project identification number: GINOP_PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-2021-02990


Beneficiary's name: AIVAREX Kft.
Title of the project: Creating a modern business environment at AIVAREX Kft
The amount of the contracted support: 19 761 315 Ft
A támogatás mértéke: 70%

Brief description of the project:
In the project, a solar system was installed at the site of our company in Mezőtúr, and material equipment was also purchased, a hydraulic sheet metal shear and a distribution machine. As a result of the implementation of the project, the company's productivity increased, it was technologically renewed, and we can react more quickly to changes in the market. Thanks to its technological renewal and increase in capacity, the decline caused by the coronavirus can be mitigated, and competitiveness, job retention and creation have improved.
Planned completion date of the project: 2021.03.26
Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.8-20-2020-02271


Beneficiary's name: AIVAREX Kft.
Title of the project: Support for AIVAREX Kft.'s capacity expansion investments in the framework of a combined loan product
The amount of the contracted support: 37 042 720 Ft
The amount of the grant is non-refundable 30 %
Amount of loan to be repaid: 30,020439 %

Presentation of the project content:
In the framework of the project, the metal industry production and storage hall was expanded, and a Geothermal heat pump, a Nitrogen supply system and a Hydraulic CNC edge bending equipment were installed. The investment must result in capacity expansion for which there is actual market demand, and improve technological readiness, competitiveness and resource efficiency.

Planned completion date of the project: 2019.06.30.

Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.3-8-3-4-16-2017-01118